A dependent preposition is a preposition that always follows the same expression.
For example: 'depends on' or 'interested in'.
Dependent prepositions are important in IELTS because they are difficult to learn as there are no clear rules on how to use them. Therefore, if you can use them well, it means you have a good command of English.
accuse somebody of guilty of
accustomed to independent of
afraid of indifferent to
aim at insist on
angry with/at interested in
arrive at/in jealous of
ashamed of look at
believe in married to
careful of/with/about pleased with
complain about prefer to
composed of related to
congratulate on satisfied with
consist of similar to
depend on succeed in
deprive of superior to
die of sure of
different from surprised at/by
dressed in suspicious of
full of tired of
good at translate into
